Washtenaw Express

Photo of Washtenaw Express Bus

New Washtenaw Avenue Express Route

Take the new Washtenaw Avenue Express Route between Blake Transit Center and Ypsilanti Transit Center! With service Monday – Friday and limited stops, Route 104 is your fast, reliable connection to everything this area has to offer. 

Washtenaw Express Route Giveaway!

TheRide is holding a Washtenaw Express Route Giveaway! To be entered for a chance to win a FREE 30-day pass, just fill out the form below, submit a photo riding Route 104, or at a Route 104 bus stop, and your experience riding Route 104.

By submitting this form you are allowing TheRide to use your photo and name on social media and in marketing communications and materials.

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Route 104 Washtenaw Express

The Washtenaw Express provides a faster connection between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti on Washtenaw Avenue and is a part of TheRide’s Long-Range Plan, made possible by the citizen-approved millage in 2022 that goes into effect this year.

This limited-stop service connects Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti faster, operating every 30 minutes Monday-Friday from 6:00 a.m. – 6:45 p.m. The Route 104 Washtenaw Avenue Express route has 4 stop locations between the Blake Transit Center in Ann Arbor and the Ypsilanti Transit Center in Ypsilanti:  

  • The University of Michigan Central Campus Transit Center
  • Washtenaw Ave. & Pittsfield Blvd. in Ann Arbor
  • Washtenaw Ave. & Golfside Rd. in Ypsilanti Township
  • Washtenaw Ave. & Cross St. in Ypsilanti City near the Eastern Michigan University Main Campus 

Check out more information on Route 104 Washtenaw Express: